Life and Career Coaching Services

For Job Seekers and Resolute Individuals
Book An AppointmentAbout Me

What Exactly does this Coaching do? Do I really need it?

Coaching Fundamentals

In today’s world, Coaching is a very broad term. It encompasses almost all the realms of life.
Coaching takes each situation into consideration differently at its own face value. Once the situation is defined, the areas of opportunity are identified to start working towards the goal of improvement.
Coaching is not a “one size fits all” approach and that is why it is important to have a coach with wisdom along with knowledge.


Are you an international student/foreign worker/recent graduate looking for a job but have been unsuccessful?

Has your current job hit a plateau?

Do you not like your job anymore?

Are you not motivated anymore and do not have any inspiration?

Do you need help in volunteering to give back to the community?


If the answer to any of the above is a YES, then it’s time to discuss.

What I Can Help You With

Creating a Vision

Building Your Brand

Planning Future

Goals Setting


Holistic Research

Career Navigation


LinkedIn Etiquettes

Sunny’s Approach to Coaching

Just as no two human beings have exactly the same fingerprints, there will not be any two people who will have exact same successful way of dealing with similar issues in their life to get the exact same results. Now, this happens because of the fact that we all have different skill sets, different behaviors and perspectives on issues, different tolerance levels, and much more.

So, Sunny’s approach involves an in-depth understanding of the problems or issues on hand. Then the next step involves taking time to assess the different variables that play important roles to fix the issues. Then he moves on to address it with the most appropriate solution out of the multiple alternatives. The beauty of his approach is to try and create the relevance of the issue with his own life. Well, there are benefits of having a life full of struggles. He uses examples from real life and from things happening around us and that is what makes him an effective and unique coach.




Goal Setting

Goal Setting is the first step to achieving something. Without a goal, we are directionless. Goal Setting is normal behavior that we all exhibit in our day-to-day life without even noticing. But when it comes to having one that will lead to our dreams, we are hesitant. There are a number of reasons for that kind of attitude.

We will discuss various things in our Goal Setting sessions that are either directly or indirectly related to it and will add to making the Goal setting process feasible.

Book your time to discuss more.



Mentoring is one of the most under-rated, hidden, lethal, free weapon that can be used to kill the failures by snatching them by the neck.

But Mentors are not easy to identify. Once identified, they are not easy to get on board to mentor you. Mentoring is a long process and even though there is guarantee to get results, they are not visible in the short-term. Within the space of mentorship, there are various types and that is why learning and mastering the art of finding mentors is really important.

Book your time to discuss more. 

LinkedIn Etiquettes

LinkedIn is as complicated, sophisticated, complex and convoluted as one would like it to be or as simple and straight-forward as one can think of. Should you post your vacation or your body transformation pictures on it? Should you just reach out to anyone to ask for job or mentorship? Or Should you even put a fancy picture on it as your display picture?

There are many unwritten rules of LinkedIn and you will keep forgetting them if you don’t really talk about them.


Book your time to discuss more.

Career Advice

Are you a recent graduate who is looking to get into a career of your choice or are you just looking for a job to just get through the tough days?

Are you a recent immigrant who has years and years of experience but struggling to find your first job or you found your first job but its getting difficult to grow?

No matter what your career issues are, we can help you navigate through the unknowns and surprises of the career advice journey.

Book your time to discuss more. 


Due to the high demand for sessions, we are planning on arranging group sessions on various hot topics.

The views and opinions are those of Sunny and do not reflect those of his employer, or any of its affiliates, his family members or friends.