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Frequently Asked

Is there any cost to get mentored by Sunny?

There is absolutely no cost attached to getting mentored by Sunny. He has worked in various business lines of banking globally and can share his wealth of knowledge with you so you can be equipped with proper resources to navigate through your professional life journey.

Will the meeting be in-person or virtual?

As much as Sunny likes to meet with people in-person, it won’t be possible in this world of distance. But fortunately, the use of digital meetings has made meetings possible even if you are not in the same city. If you happen to be in the same city as him, please feel free to request in-person coffee.

Why are most of the services free? How does he make money from these?

Sunny has a full time job where he is fully dedicated when it comes to work. These mentoring sessions are done for his mission of giving back to the community. There is no fees unless stated for special sessions.

What are those merchandise items that are listed for sale?

Those promotional items are for marketing purpose and for supporting this cause. If any funds are generated, they go back into this initiative to support the website and guest mentors and speakers.

Are you planning to expand in other lines of business/industry to mentor?

Currently, we are working on getting guest mentors from the telecommunication, entrepreneurship, Information Technology, Human Resources and Manufacturing industry.

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The views and opinions are those of Sunny and do not reflect those of his employer, or any of its affiliates, his family members or friends.