Contact now for your free Mentoring session

We can help you see beyond your vision.

Don’t get stuck with the traditional thought process. Adapt to the modern world of success.

Reach out to Sunny if :

You are struggling to change your perspective in life.

You need help navigating the path of job search.

You are confused with your purpose of life.

You have started feeling that your motivation is getting lost in the fog of delay in getting success.

Goal Setting

Setting realistic goals with deadlines is the first step to achieve any dream


Mentoring is by far the most important hidden factor that leads to growth

LinkedIn Etiquettes

Every complex setup needs specific etiquettes and LinkedIn is no different

Career Advice

First Job, New Job, or Career, lets make these happen by choice and not chance

What is Mentoring?

Mentoring is a way of imparting the wisdom from the ones who have made their dreams possible to enrich your character in the process of achieving your goals.
The wise one is called a Mentor and the one who seeks wisdom is the Mentee. Depending on the goals of individuals, there can be mutual mentorship relationship as well.

Who is mentoring good for?

Mentoring is suitable for anyone at any stage of their life. It can be used to navigate through the obstacles of professional as well as personal life. Mentoring is used by people in their career in roles as junior as entry level customer service representatives to CEOs of large organizations.

What do we get out of mentoring?

Mentoring / Mentorship is all about sharing one’s knowledge from the experiences of life be it professional or personal. Mentoring is like the summary of a story; or many stories to be precise. You don’t have to read the entire book but still get the wisdom of it in a summarized form.

How many kind of mentors exist?

There are 2 types of mentors – Casual and Formal.
The Formal Mentors are the ones that you find proactively and build that relationship by explicitly stating it. These would be the relationships established mostly at workplaces.
The Casual Mentors are the ones that become mentors to you through your normal relationship with them. These would be your friends who might even have a mutual mentorship relationship  with you.


Can I have more than 1 mentor?

There is no limit on having mentors but the optimal number would be close to 5. The reason for this number is to provide enough mentors to get value from and not too much to get contradictory information to apply.

What mentors are NOT?

Mentors are not a source of referrals. DO NOT approach mentors for jobs.

About Sunny

Sunny is a banker by profession who has spent more than a decade in banking in Canada and oversees. He has gained experience in various lines of banking that includes retail, small business and commercial in the roles of client relationship management and team management.

He is a proud Indian by birth and a Canadian by choice. After struggling himself to settle in his early days in Canada, he made it a mission to help the international students, work permit holders and new immigrants to navigate through the issues of finding their dream job and settling in this new country that one day they will call home. Things do not come easy to everyone, but he wants to lend a helping hand to make it little bit easier for others. He wants to be the support that he never got when he needed it the most.

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The views and opinions are those of Sunny and do not reflect those of his employer, or any of its affiliates, his family members or friends.


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